Jesus God

  1. At his time and then in christian’s community from jews in the region of Jerusalem, Jesus isn’t considered as God. As well some jews think Jesus is a prophete like musulmans do.
  2. In 325 the bishop council state that Jesus is God (and before there is the John’s gospel)
  3. What could have happened ?
    • God’s son
      • for jew’s culture : a man, the messias, the christ
      • for greek and roman’s culture : a god or an half god
    • example of misundertanding : in Genera Electric of USA, someone write :”Albert is a red (man), better not give him accounting management”. Translate in french : “Albert est un rouge, mieux vaut ne pas lui donner la gestion comptable”. That will be understood as : ” Albert is communist, he may not manage account very well”. But it was first refering to the brain dominance (HBDI) red, for emotional, that doesn’t fit much for financial management.
      • By this example, I want to mean that translating a text “word to word” is not enought when the cultures are too diferent on a subject. The Marc gospel may not have been translated, it seems it was written by “jew” in “comercial greek”. But it will be read/listened by pagans who don’t have notions of jew’s culture.

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